Split pea bread

I heard at the news that peas are helping people with type 2 diabetes because of the type of starch they contain. The doctor who appeared on the show said that if someone does not like peas, it can be ground and added to bread or savoury biscuits. So this is how my recipe Split pea bread appeared. I saw that show a few days ago, just before I was planning to bake another bread. In the last few weeks we had homemade bread almost daily. Curious to see how it will turn out, I’ve tried my own version. It is very good and I couldn’t see the difference between this one and a standard bread taste wise. The bread will not rise as much though, but it will not be dense as a rye bread either.

Slice of Split pea bread

First of all I used split peas I had in the cupboards, yellow ones, and grounded them in the food processor. It takes about 1 full minute to make it into a pea flour. I wouldn’t recommend using green peas just because they might look weird in a bread. If you want a fluffier bread, I suggest using less peas, maybe 100g and compensate with white flour.

The split pea bread needs longer to prove but less time in the oven, so make sure you are checking our times when baking.

Ingredients for 1 loaf of Split pea bread:

– 150g yellow split peas
– 150g strong wholemeal flour
– 150g strong white flour
– 10g yeast
– 1 spoon of sugar
– salt
– 300ml water, lukewarm
– 1 spoon of oil

Put the salt in the stand mixer’s bowl. Put the peas and the flours on top. Make a well and add the yeast in it, add the sugar on top of the yeast. Pour the lukewarm water and mix for half of minute with the slowest setting. Mix for another 7 minutes with a higher setting. Pour the oil while the bread is mixing, so it will be easier to take it out of the bowl.

Split pea bread

Oil a bread tin and put the bread dough in it. Cover with a tea towel and leave it in a warm room. The dough will need a bit longer to rise, so leave it for at least one hour.

Heat the oven at 200c or 180C for fan assisted ovens. Put the bread tin in the oven and leave to bake for 25 minutes. Turn the bread so it bakes evenly and bake for another 2-3 minutes. This bread needs less baking time. A standard bread is ready in 35 minutes.

What do you think of a split pea bread? Is it something you might like to try?

5 thoughts on “Split pea bread

    1. It’s like regular bread. I did not sense any difference when I had it with food. On its own I could taste that is a bit different, but not enough to pinpoint what was different about it. It does not rise as much though.

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