Roasted radishes

Roasted radishes is a very basic side dish, something you might not have thought of making, but which is such a good idea. Radishes have a pretty strong flavour and not everybody likes them. I like having a few in a salad, but not too many, as they overpower the other ingredients. This is why I don’t buy them as often, we don’t have the chance of eating all of them while they are fresh and I don’t like wasting food. Roasting makes them mild and really good. So, now, after trying to roast them, I know how delicious they are and I’m going to pick a couple of bags of radishes from now on. I can have a few in a salad and roast the rest.

Roasted radishes

I kept some roasted radishes in the fridge overnight and I noticed that they are translucent when cold. After I heated them up, they got some of their colour back. It was interesting to see and I imagine small children would be fascinated by this, maybe even eager to try them. Just keep that in mind if you need to entice children to eat radishes.

Ingredients for 4 servings of Roasted radishes:

– 400g radishes
– 2 spoons oil
– salt
– pepper

Pre-heat the oven at 180C or 160C for fan ovens.

While the oven is getting hot, wash and cut the radishes in half. Put them in a baking tray, pour the oil on top of them, sprinkle salt and pepper. Pop them in the oven and leave them to bake for about 20 minutes. Try one and leave for a bit longer if you want softer radishes. Otherwise, take them out of the oven and enjoy.

I baked mine for 20 minutes and, for us, it was just the right amount of time. I like having a bit of a crunch.

Have you ever tried roasted radishes?

5 thoughts on “Roasted radishes

  1. I’m trying to remember if I’ve ever bought any radishes. (surely I have!) They’re not my favorite part of a salad when dining out. You have me curious, though, so I think I’m going to have to try roasting some.
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  2. I love roasted radishes, but haven’t made any in ages. Gonna have to make some soonish 🙂
    PS. I didn’t know they turn translucent in the fridge, can’t wait to see that!

  3. I’ve had roasted radishes and they are so much milder when roasted. So delicious! I don’t think of making them often enough.

  4. This sounds super yummy! I’ve always enjoyed radishes raw in salads but never tried them cooked. I think I’d love them!

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