Roasted Figs with Whipped Cream

How did I think of making roasted figs with whipped cream? I saw figs last time when I went food shopping and I thought they would be delicious roasted. With 3 packs of 4 I could make 4 servings. I wanted to pair these figs with vegan whipped cream I bought earlier. You can see a bit more details about the whipped cream after the picture. I wasn’t sure for how long I should bake my figs and after a quick search online I wasn’t the wiser. On a blog I saw 40 minutes and on the another blog I saw the baking time was only 5-10 minutes, the difference was huge. The only option was to put them in the oven and check every so often to see how they look like.

I didn’t think the figs need a lot of additional flavours, so I’ve used a bit of cinnamon and a bit of golden syrup. Some recipes are with honey, but that too has a flavour and I think it would detract from the sweetness and gorgeous flavour of the fruits. This means my recipe is not only dairy free, but vegan too.

Roasted figs with whipped cream. Close up

Instead of regular whipped cream I’ve used Heavenly Whipped Vegan Spray Cream from Food Heaven. These are now on the supermarket shelves and while they are not in every supermarket, so far I bought two of these. I first tried this cream in a vegan restaurant and I was amazed it is not real dairy. I asked what they used and the waiter, kindly, told me about this whipped cream spray. I don’t usually buy spray, and that means I wouldn’t have looked in the supermarket and noticed that now there is a vegan version. As you can imagine, I’m very happy I’ve asked as the vegan cream tastes so much like dairy cream I wouldn’t have known the difference. If you get the chance, try it, you might be surprised how good it is and, even if you are not vegan or dairy-free, some of your friends or relatives might be and it is good to know there are all sort of options out there.

Roasted Figs with Whipped Cream. Ingredients for 4 servings:

– 12 figs
– cinnamon
– golden syrup
– vegan whipped cream

Preheat the oven at 180C or 160C for fan ovens.

Wash and cut the figs in half. Put them in a non-stick baking pan. Put them in the oven and let them bake for 40 minutes. When they are baked, take the baking pan out of the oven. Sprinkle cinnamon on the serving plate and arrange 6 halves on top, drizzle a bit of golden syrup on top of them. Squirt the whipped cream near the figs and serve.

Roasted figs with whipped cream

I suggest sprinkling the cinnamon on the plate as the figs will not look good if they are covered in cinnamon. The golden syrup of top will make them skinny and deliciously-looking, so don’t dull them with the spice. The skin of the figs will be covered in cinnamon, so you will be able to taste it.

2 thoughts on “Roasted Figs with Whipped Cream

  1. Yum!! Some years back, I had access to a huge fig tree and was able to bring home all the fresh figs I wanted. My cousin made a great Fig Conserve with hers, but I always just liked mine fresh off the tree without any preparation. (or in my dairy days in a bowl with a little half & half)

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