Pea and mint dip

I buy pea and mint dip quite often, but I have lots of mint in the garden, so today I’ve decided to make my own after reading a few recipes yesterday. It turned out delicious and it’s made with only a handful of ingredients. I will make this dip again, as it takes only a few minutes to make and I can control how much salt and oil I add. A quarter of this dip means you get 1 of your recommended 5 a day. It’s so easy to add a bit of veggies in the diet while making everything taste amazing.

01 Pea and mint dip

I would recommend using vegetable oil for the dip, rapeseed or sunflower. Olive oil has a strong flavour and I think it wouldn’t compliment the flavour of the peas and the mint.

Pea and mint dip

I used Apple mint, Spearmint and Garden mint, three of the four types of mint I grow in my garden. If you don’t have different types of mint, you can use fresh mint from the supermarket. For 350g peas I’ve used half of the leaves photographed here. I wasn’t sure how much mint I would need. I used the rest to add flavour to a big mug of green tea.

Pea and mint dip. Ingredients:

– fresh leaves of Apple mint
– fresh leaves of Spearmint
– fresh leaves of Garden mint
– 350g frozen pois peas
– lemon juice from 1/2 lemon
– 2 spoons of rapeseed oil
– sea salt
– white pepper

Boil the frozen pois peas for 5-6 minutes until they are tender. As they are smaller, they take only a short time to cook. Leave to cool. Meanwhile, wash the mint in a colander, shaking so any dirt is removed from the leaves. It’s so much easier this way instead of washing every single leaf at a time.

Put the peas in a tall bowl, add some of the mint leaves, the salt, pepper, oil and lemon juice. Using a hand blender crush the peas until they become a smooth dip. Taste and add more condiments, mint and lemon juice according to your taste.

The pea and mint dip is ready.

Pea and mint dip

We had the dip with cheese and homemade bread. It’s really good. The dip is vegan, healthy and low in fat.

Do you like pea and mint dip? Do you make your own?

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