Cavolo Nerro Stew

I thought of Cavolo Nerro Stew, but wasn’t sure about it. Cavolo nerro is a bit bitter, but it worked really great in the stew. I liked it a lot and I will do this again. Unbelievaballs from the Vegetarian Butcher, are so good and have a lovely texture. Have you seen their “sacrifice nothing” TV ad? I just love it.

Cavolo Nerro Stew

Some of the tomatoes I bought recently for salads didn’t look as good, so I’ve used them in the stew. Of course, you can use canned chopped tomatoes instead, to save a bit of time. This stew is made with only a few ingredients and it is healthy and delicious too.

Ingredients for 2 servings of Cavolo Nerro Stew:

– 250g Cavolo Nerro
– 4 tomatoes
– 1 medium onion
– salt
– pepper
– oil
– Unbelievaballs

Boil some water and pour it over the tomatoes. Drain and take the skin off the tomatoes and chop them. Wash and chop the onion and toss it in the heated frying pan with a bit of oil. Stir and cook for a couple of minutes. Add the tomatoes on top and stir again. Leave to cook.

Meanwhile wash and chop the cavolo nerro and add it to the pan. Stir and leave to cook. Stir from time to time and cook until the cavolo nerro is soft. Add a bit of water if it’s needed. Sprinkle salt and pepper on top.

When the veggies are almost done, heat a bit of oil in another frying pan. Put the unbelievaballs in the pan and shake the pan to heat them properly. They need about 6 minutes to cook.

The stew is now ready to be served.

5 thoughts on “Cavolo Nerro Stew

  1. I had to look up cavolo nerro to know what it is. It looks like a tasty dish. Are the unbelievaballs crusted in anything or are they just a “meatball”? The only similar product I’ve tried is the “meatless meatballs” made by Gardein. They’re very good in a spaghetti sauce.
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    1. Just meatball, without any crust/crumbs sort of thing. I like these a lot and also their fake-chicken is really good too.
      I tried some “fish” from Gardein and it was good.

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