Butter spread

I like eating homemade, fresh, warm bread with salted butter. But the butter is not as healthy as rapeseed oil and it’s not easy to spread. The best option is to make a Butter Spread with cold pressed rapeseed oil, it’s healthier and spreadable, it takes only minutes to make and it can be flavoured with herbs or spices. The recipes I’m sharing today are for salted butter spread and basic unsalted butter spread.

I got a cheap supermarket butter as it has enough fat to give it the buttery taste. The spread can be made with any type of oil, I’ve made it with vegetable oil before and it works great too. I would recommend cold pressed rapeseed oil because it has less saturated fat than all other cooking oils and fats. This type of oil is high in omega 3, 6, 9 and it’s a very good source of vitamin E.


Ingredients for 2 jars of Butter spread:

– 250g unsalted butter
– 200ml cold pressed rapeseed oil

for the salted version add:
– 1 tsp and a half of Himalayan salt (any other salt can be used)

The butter spread is made in minutes. Put the butter in a high bowl and pour the oil. Using a hand-mixer, blend the two together until both of them are getting a creamy texture. The mixture will have the consistency of a batter and this is natural as the butter is slightly melting. Scoop the butter into a small jar.


Using a condiments grinder, grind the salt. Add it on the rest of the spread and mix it with a spoon. Taste and add more salt if you prefer a saltier taste. When you are happy with the spread, scoop it in another jar.

Put both jars in the fridge and leave them to cool for a few hours. The spread is softer than regular butter.

Do you make your own butter spread? What kind of flavours would you like to have?

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