Bonsan Vegan Egg

Bonsan Vegan Egg is an organic breakfast scramble alternative. A pack weights 200g and it has the equivalent of 4 eggs. It only needs heating up and takes a few minutes to make. The salad I took pictures of took longer to make. The only downside of this egg alternative is the price, as it is expensive. I made scrambled tofu before, from scratch, and also farmer’s scrambled tofu. It does take a bit longer to make it from scratch, so I would suggest trying the Bonsan Vegan Egg first and do your own version later. Another thing to consider is that the tofu scramble needs spices that might miss from your pantry, so this is another good thing about the ready made version.

Bonsan Vegan Egg

To make the Bonsan Vegan Egg, you need to remove all the packaging and mash it with a fork. Pour a bit of oil and put it over medium heat until the scramble is well heated. It should take a few minutes. Make sure you stir often, so it doesn’t catch the bottom of the pan. As you can see, this is the same way as you would do scrambled eggs anyway.

Bonsan alternative contains mostly tofu, 98%, and spices, and, of course, some preservatives. If, like me, you only make 2 portions instead of 4, it means that you get 49 calories from the tofu, which is rather amazing, considering that it also has 5g of protein. Of course, the scramble will absorb some of the oil too, but, overall, I think this is a very good alternative to eggs, considering the nutritional values as well.

Have you tried Bonsan? Is it something you would like to have? I would love to hear your thoughts, so leave me a comment. I will share a few more vegan ingredients this year, mainly because I would have loved to hear about them too.

2 thoughts on “Bonsan Vegan Egg

  1. I’ve never seen anything like this in our stores. I enjoy making my own tofu scramble (varying what I add by what I have on hand), but can imagine this would be much quicker. I always have leftovers, and this reminds me of how I treat them the next day.
    Kelly recently posted…Dogs with JobsMy Profile

    1. That’s a very good point, about leftovers. With this is less likely to have leftovers, as each “egg” is individually wrapped. So, if only one person eats this kind of scrambled eggs, for example, they can keep the rest in the packaging, and eat within a couple of days.

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